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Little Owl’s Babysitter


В наличии

Little Owl does NOT want a babysitter … he’s not a baby and he certainly doesn’t want to be sat on. When Pinny the babysitter arrives, Little Owl wants a long bedtime story and a hot chocolate with forty marshmallows – and he mustn’t forget to say goodnight to ALL his toys, about a millionty billion of them.
Then, Little Owl sets Pinny a final, impossible task: «‎The moon, said Little Owl, «‎I need it by my bedside»‎. With all the trademark humour that readers have come to know and love from this series, this reassuring and funny story is the ideal way to soothe anxiety about having a babysitter.

Штрихкод: 9781526657060 Артикул: 10402757 Категория:
Язык издания: английский

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